Morgh's Text Editor - Morgh is working on a text editor that is similar or most likely better then mine. A screenshot is below and please post on the forum if there are any questions. I've done testing with this on several versions of M&B and everything seems to work fine but please let me know if there are any problems. Even if this is not used to directly edit the files this may be useful as a modding tool since it allows the ability to easily review troop information which may be helpful in balancing the game when making mods. This could be useful to better balance individual troops and factions for your own personal use or possibly to create a new mod for Mount & Blade. This allows viewing and modifying the following information: I wrote an Unofficial Troop Editor for Mount & Blade which allows direct editing of the troops.txt, parties.txt and party_templates.txt files and should be compatible with M&B versions 0.9 - 1.x as well as M&B Warband.