unless specified, any jump action executed while in a rolling state lets you regain control. Jump Action:While airborne (from jumping, walking off a ledge, or bouncing from a spring) and either moving downwards or not too fast upwards, press B or C to execute a Special Action. Community, Fan Works, Hacking, Music, Podcasts, Site News Sonic Hacking Contest 2013 Unveils R Sonic Classic Heroes is a ROM hack for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis that is the result.Check out character-specific abilities below. Those with both moves use Up for Peelout and Down for Spindash.

If a character has only one of these moves, holding Up or Down and pressing action button will charge the same move. While holding down or up directional buttons, press B or C to charge a spindash or super peelout.

Return to Title Screen – While game is paused, press A.